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Unlock the Kingdom DNA in your business.



The 12-week intensive will help you identify the creative design that will allow your business to create a greater Kingdom Impact. It's a design that God has already hidden inside your business. We’ll unlock it together, and create a practical plan to live it out.

Business leaders, owners, and managers who are Jesus' followers want to see God use their work and their leadership in a transformative way.

But they are asking an important question—How?

The 12-week intensive will help you identify the creative design that will allow your Business to create Kingdom Impact. A design that God has already hidden inside your business. We’ll unlock it and create a practical plan to live it out.

Business leaders, owners, and managers who are Jesus' followers want to see God use their work and their leadership in a transformative way.

But they are asking an important question—How?

How can you take the next step to see your business become a Kingdom Outpost?

A place where people see Jesus, and take their next steps on a redemptive journey toward Christ?

It's normal to build a plan to grow your business or launch a new service or location. But most don’t have a way to define and plan for their Kingdom impact.

Brand Disciples solves for how.


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The 12-Week Intensive

The 12-week intensive brings you and key leaders in your business together with other like-minded businesses in a weekly, virtual 90-minute meeting where you'll:
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The unique way that your business can express Jesus based on the way you were designed as a leader and the industry in which you work.

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How to shape internal roles around the model that Jesus provided.
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Who you are uniquely called to impact through prayerful exploration of your opportunities with employees, customers, vendors, or your world.
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The needs in the lives of those you work with can open the door for the Kingdom to advance in their lives.
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A right-sized approach that highlights teamwork in your Kingdom impact whether you are a small- or medium-sized business.
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How other businesses are expressing the Kingdom of Heaven in their business and gain insights from different models.
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Creative and holistic methods so you can both show and tell the Good News in your business.
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Biblical principles that stand the test of time and will amplify the impact of your business.
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Develop a concrete, actionable plan that will move you from wanting to see the Kingdom advance to active implementation.  

What to Expect

At the end of the 12-week intensive, you’ll be ready for action with a clear understanding of the unique design of your business for Kingdom Impact and the specific steps you can take to execute on the plan that we've created together. We recommend that you continue in a coaching group for the balance of a year. 

12 Weeks to Create Plan-> Balance of 12 months to live it out.

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Virtual meeting for 90 minutes each week

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Additional activities on your own for 2 to 6 hours per week

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Several coaching sessions focused on your business

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Insights from other leaders as they discern their plan, and clear definition of key roles to advance the Kingdom in your business  

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Insights and business applications from the counter-cultural way that Jesus created a movement that changed history

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Thoroughly Biblical instruction and Holy Spirit-guided insights

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Principles that you can be confident are based on God's Word and are practical to implement

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Benefit from the questions and journey of other like-minded business leaders

What's included?

The training, insights, and models that you need to discern how God's Kingdom can advance in your business and a plan to live it out.

  • A Jesus-style inventory for each participant

  • Training notebook that covers 12 guided sessions

  • The Power of Testimony Workbook

  • Planning process and action plan

  • Let Compassion Guide You Workbook

  • Pray Like Jesus Trainer's Book

Brand Disciples Team

BD-Arch-David Mills

David Mills

David brings a wealth of training and experience from the worlds of ministry and business to the work of Brand Disciples. He’s planted churches, helped develop national and international ministry platforms, and served as a founder of multiple businesses in the tech space.

BD-Arch-Amy Alexander

Amy Alexander

Amy brings almost two decades of experience as a creative director and worship leader. Her entrepreneurial spirit and strong sense of purpose for discipleship are grounded in her experience in higher education, church leadership, and start-up methodology.

BD-Arch-Chad Alexander

Chad Alexander

Chad combines decades of government contracting; video directing, filming, and producing; and IT management with his passion for Christian discipleship. His fun-loving personality is matched only by his depth of knowledge and passion for the Bible.


We have based Brand Disciples in a nonprofit to keep costs as low as possible. We ask for a donation monthly for each company, and that you consider a donation at the end of the year if the work that we’ve done together has created impact and demonstrable fruit.


$35 application fee per business that provides for one Jesus-style inventory and coaching session, and helps you to evaluate whether now is the right time for you to join the intensive.

Intensive Participation

We operate based on the support of those who participate and have a suggested monthly donation of $200.  We don't want your financial capacity to stop what God wants to do through your business.


Still have questions? Hopefully this will help.

When is the intensive?

Our next Kingdom DNA Intensive will start October 9, and will end January 19th with breaks for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Group sessions will happen during the work day during the best time for the assembled cohort.

What's the time commitment?
Virtual meetings will be 90 minutes each week, with 2-6 hours of additional activities outside of the meeting.
Do I have to bring other leadership?
Kingdom work is meant to be done together. Every business is built differently, so whether you're a solo entrepreneur or founder of a Fortune 500, we'll help you identify people inside (or outside) your business structure to bring along in the journey. You might choose to bring them to the 12-week process, or include later.

Apply for the Intensive

And get your personal inventory coaching session.
After you apply for the Kingdom DNA Intensive, we'll walk you through your Jesus-style inventory and spend a personal coaching session with you to identify if the intensive is a good fit. 

Apply Now